Ott - Grigorenko - Stafford Passing Plays ( 70sec )
Leino - Ennis - Adam Passing plays ( 50sec)
Foligno -Hecht - Kaleta Neutral Zone Grip (30sec)
Ellis -Porter- Mancari Neutral Zone Grip ( 20 sec )
Gauthier-Leduc - Myers
Starting Goalie Markstrom
Backup Miller
PP1 et 2
Leino- Grigorenko - Stafford Shot and Screen 80 sec
Gauthier-Leduc - Myers
Ott - Ennis - Adam Shot and Screen 40 sec
Pysyk - Sekera
Pk1 et 2
Ott - Kaleta Passive Box ( 60sec )
Myers - Weber
Ennis - Foligno Passive Box ( 60sec )
Mcnabb - Sekera